Friday, September 21, 2007

Way Back machine - from 2001

From May 2001:

The speed of the economy, the omni-presence of corporate media, and the complexity of our personal lives, has made many existing institutions of change (like education, our government, and even cultural norms) increasingly ineffective. Morality, the frame of reference for living, our paradigms, are being outpaced by technological changes.

Can technology, namely the web and computers, be used to provide a truly NEW service aimed facilitating the management of complex ideas? Or will traditional institutional models of corporate commerce and intellectual property reign again over the rare anarchy of the internet?

We believe technology will extend, enhance, and promote all life and harmony. This will be a site that thrives on the diversity of ideas without creating a flood of intellectual property. It will create new ideas by helping people manage large sets of complicated thoughts with large numbers of other people.

Lastly, we have faith in the anarchy of virtual reality as a safe and positive place for evolution of ideas.